Give the Gift of Research- FARA
Ways to give to charity this holiday season//
Christmas 2020 may look different to some people this year. With challenging times that arose out of the worldwide pandemic, many families are financially struggling or may even be experiencing heartache over a loss of a loved one.
Christmastime can be a sad time for many people for many reasons. But, it also can be a season of hope!
Hope for new beginnings, hope for new resolutions, hope for new cures and clinical trials.
The Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) is taking action to make sure that hope continues to remain for people suffering from Friedreich's Ataxia (FA).

Living with Friedreich's Ataxia (FA)
As many of you know who follow me on Instagram and Facebook (@thegiftedwreathllc), my son was diagnosed with this rare, genetic progressive, and life-shortening nerve disorder when he was four years old.
Unfortunately, as time grew on, my son is now wheelchair-bound and unable to bear any weight on his feet at age 17. His slow (but yet in my eyes) rapid progression of his disorder is completely taking over his body. His eyes are now being affected by Optic Nerve Atrophy, and he has a potentially life-threatening heart condition called Cardiomyopathy.
Friedreich's Ataxia is undoubtedly a family's nightmare. It impacts everyday living and care, destroys a person's ability to be independent, and causes potential health risks.
If any good has come out of this for my son, it has been the overwhelming love and support he receives daily from his family, friends, and strangers who all lend a helping hand in some bountiful way.
I am forever grateful for those who have prayed for him, donated funds for his cause, continues to encourage him, and just willing to help in some way.
Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA)
FARA has played a valuable part in our efforts to cure FA. FARA is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (C) and the nation's leading catalyst dedicated to the pursuit of scientific research leading to treatments and cure for Friedreich's Ataxia. The Gifted Wreath proudly supports and donates to this organization yearly.
It is through this organization that we dubbed the expectant motto Together we will cure FA!
Families battling with FA strongly believe we are on the brink of finding a cure for this horrific disorder. FARA has promising clinical trials in the pipeline, some of which are on a fast track for FDA approval.
FARA has created a successful yearly campaign called "Give the Gift of Research." Click the link below to see how FARA is offering opportunities to give this year.
Donate to FARA Below
this link will take you directly to The Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance Website
This year my family was asked to join the influential campaign and to share a little testimony of living with FA. I am beyond grateful to have this opportunity to voice up and be the noise that is needed to raise awareness over this terrible disease loud and clear.

If you are in the position to give to a charity this year, may your heart feel led to participate in our Give the Gift of Research campaign to help those along with my son suffering the unimaginable.
Thank you in advance for supporting this blog post and our efforts to cure FA. God bless and have the merriest of Christmases!
With Much Gratitude,

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